Here is the last chance to acquire a Set of Moshiach Times magazines.
The last remaining archival issues of The Moshiach Times are now being collated and available for purchase, including –150+ issues in mint condition*.
This is a historic collection reflecting the last 30 years of Chabad! Each cover was approved and some edited by the Rebbe! Containing a wealth of stories, sichos to Tzivos Hashem, articles, and games, illustrated by classic Jewish artists, Nochum Nodel, Joe Kubert, Al Jaffee, Dave Berg, etc.
Quantities are extremely limited. First come first served. Orders can only be made by submitting your order. Complete sets will be sold as they are collated.
*Note: As sets sell out individual issues are no longer available and others are very rare. Some out of print issues may be replaced with a copy at costumers request at additional cost.